Open Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Great Vibes
Rock Salt
Indie Flower
Roboto Slab
Noto Serif
Open Sans
After extensive research and in learning to deal with her own struggles with anxiety, Carly has discovered that the principles of neuroplasticity when combined with coaching can bring hope to those suffering from anxiety.
Her anxiety coaching program has been successful in helping many learn to manage and overcome their anxiety.
Years of experience in working with stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury clients has taught us that rehabilitation never ends. The brain is an amazing organ and is capable of progress years beyond an injury. Carly offers coaching to help brain injury survivors continue their rehabilitation journey. Every head injury is different, therefore each client is coached according to their specific needs and goals. Brain injury clients also find that the counseling offered at Holness helps them as they begin to adjust to their new 'normal' and the struggles that come along as a result.
During her time as the Executive Director for a cognitive rehabilitation facility, Carly was shocked to see what little support is offered for caregivers in the community. Caregivers are as integral, if not more so, than the medical and therapy team in successful outcomes for their loved ones. Holness offers extensive caregiver counseling to support the caregiver emotionally as well as work with families to address challenges and create action plans.
When my husband suffered a serious brain injury two years ago, I thought he was destined to spend a life sitting at home in his recliner. He couldn't communicate and refused to go out of the house. Someone recommended we see Carly and I can't express enough what a godsend she has been. My husband now volunteers at a local organization and leads a support group for men. He can speak clearly and it seems is improving every week.
Jane and Mark
Oh my goodness. I have dealt with anxiety for years and tried everything. I have started working with Carly and can already tell a huge difference! If you suffer from anxiety...make your appointment now! You will be so glad you did.
My husband had a stroke this past spring and it has been such a difficult adjustment. I have started counseling with Carly and she has created a plan for us to make life run smoother at home. So thankful to have her expertise and advice as we walk this difficult journey.